Saturday WOD 1/30/16


Warm Up:

2 Rounds:
100m Jog
10 Russian KB Swings
10 Lunges
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Strict Press


Partner WOD
For Time:
400m Med Ball Carry (20/14)
40 Push Press (95/65)
40 Front Squats (95/65)
40 Med Ball Sit-Ups (20/14)
300m Med Ball Carry
30 Push Press
30 Front Squats
30 Med Ball Sit-Ups
200m Med Ball Carry
20 Push Press
20 Front Squats
20 Med Ball Sit-Ups
100m Med Ball Carry
10 Push Press
10 Front Squats
10 Med Ball Sit-Ups

*One person working at a time on push press and front squats, breaking up the reps as needed. Med ball sit ups = pass ball off to the partner for each rep. Both partners run together, can alternate who carries the ball.