Wednesday WOD 8/23/17

Warm Up:

Feet to Hands
DB Thrusters
Hollow Rocks
Bottoms Up KB Press


Push Press
Build to 80% of your 1RM and maintain that weight for 3 sets of 3 reps


7 min AMRAP:
Ascending ladder of:
Burpee onto Plate
25 ft Shuttle Sprint

*Reps for each movement keep increasing each round until the athlete reaches the time cap. For example, Round 4, begins behind the closest line which we will call the base line. The athletes runs to the opposite line and touches it for “rep” 1, then runs back to the base line and touches it for “rep” 2, then runs to the opposite and touches it for “rep” 3 and then runs across the base line to complete the set and then begins the 5 burpee set if time remains.