Thursday WOD 9/28/17

Warm Up:

Handstand Hold
Hollow Rocks
Bottoms Up KB Press

Skill Work:

Handstand Push Ups
Take 10 min to practice all the different handstand push up scales and modifications to find the best one for you for today’s workout.


Team Series WOD 7

On a 20 minute clock, for max reps/pounds:
Partner 1:

0:00-2:00 Max Handstand Push Ups
2:00-4:00 Rest
4:00-6:00 Max Double Unders
6:00-8:00 Rest
8:00-10:00 1 rep max Back Squat
Then, Partner 2:

10:00-12:00 1 rep max Back Squat
12:00-14:00 Rest
14:00-16:00 Max Double Unders
16:00-18:00 Rest
18:00-20:00 Max Handstand Push Ups

Scaled workout includes hand-release push ups and single undersĀ