Thursday WOD 12/21/17

Don’t forget we have yoga tonight at 6:30 :). It will be the last yoga class of the year!

Warm Up:

2 Rounds:
40 ft Bear Crawl
10 Air Squats
10 Bottoms Up KB Press
10 KB Swings

Skill Work:

Technique Thursday
Handstand, Handstand Walk, and Handstand Push Ups


For Time:
4 Wall Walks
15 Power Cleans (155/115)
80 Double Unders (2:1 singles)
3 Wall Walks
12 Power Cleans
60 Double Unders
2 Wall Walks
9 Power Cleans
40 Double Unders
1 Wall Walk
6 Power Cleans
20 Double Unders