Monday WOD 4/9/18


Warm Up:

Partner Warm Up
“Don’t let it touch the ground”
*Med ball cannot touch ground*
*both partners do each exercise before moving to next*
P1: holds med ball at chest (hugging med ball)
P2: 100m jog
P1: holds med ball over head
P2: 100ft bear crawl
P1: while laying on back facing up – holds med ball at the start/end of a bench press WITH feet off ground (hollow hold)
P2: 15 burpees
P1: holds bottom of squat
P2: 100m run with med ball


For Time:
5 Rope Climbs
40 Med-Ball Cleans (20/14#)
4 Rope Climbs
30 Med-Ball Cleans (20/14#)
3 Rope Climbs
20 Med-Ball Cleans (20/14#)
2 Rope Climbs
10 Med-Ball Cleans (20/14#)
1 Rope Climb